Aims of the association

In 2013, the Swiss Rock Guides Association was created in Bern, during a meeting of about twenty rock guides.

The aims of the association are:
To defend, promote and enhance the profession of rock guides:

  • By creating a network and strengthening the links between its members
  • By collaborating with the various bodies linked to the profession (SMGA, Youth and Sport, the Swiss Alpine Club, political and State authorities, etc.)
  • By increasing the visibility of the profession among the general public

The organization

The SRGA has about 30 rock guides. Its committee is composed of 3 to 7 members who meet several times a year.

An ordinary general meeting is held annually.


The Committee

The Committee shall consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of seven members. It constitutes itself. It must respect the diversity of genres and languages.


Becoming a member

Who can become an SRGA member?

  • Rock guides with a federal certificate
  • SMGA climbing instructors
  • Persons who can attest to equivalent and recognised training in another country
  • Trainees who have completed the D+S course and started the SMGA modules

How to proceed?

  1. Register on the site using the form on the right
  2. Pay the contribution of CHF 100 into the SRGA account

SRGA’s bank details

Name and address of the account holder: Ass. Suisse des Professeurs d’Escalade,
Bank name: Raiffeisen du Chablais Vaudois, 1867 Ollon
IBAN : CH52 8080 8006 4832 5684 4
IID (n° BC): 80808

Registration form






    Scan of your professional certificate in climbing
    (not require for trainee, ZIP if several files)

    Main language
