The rock guides are the climbing specialists!
Training with various authorities has enabled them to acquire pedagogical skills for children, young people and adults alike. Thus rock guides can teach and guide audiences of all ages.
During the training weeks with J+S, the emphasis is on the fun aspect of learning. A wide range of games and exercises are therefore acquired during this phase of the training, whatever the structure used: boulder, climbing gym, cliff, etc.
Specific climbing injuries are addressed during training. The rock guides will therefore be careful to adapt his exercises and their intensity according to his audience. A strong emphasis is placed on prevention. He is also able to propose a training plan for recovery after an injury.
He is trained to teach climbing to beginners, advanced and experienced climbers. It has a repertoire of specific exercises to allow any climber to progress, both in terms of technical training and fitness training.
A week of training is conducted by a sports psychologist. During this week, the rock guides develops his skills in individual coaching.
Finally, the roxk guide is trained in multi-pitch routes. Through his pedagogical and technical skills, he can effectively guide and teach his clients in this field.